Sunday, November 6, 2011

Opening Weekend for Handcrafted Gift Shop

This weekend was opening weekend for the Handcrafted Gift Shop we are running out of our studio. Loren has "supervised" us in construction and preparation for the gift shop opening over the past few weeks and was especially excited when we setup and turned on the Christmas lights on the front door and down our long dark driveway.

All weekend long, she greeted customers, attempted to sell to them, supervised both Dad and me working on various shop projects, and practiced sales and conversations with customers through her imaginary play. We even practiced some math skills using coins to count, match, and make and complete patterns.

Storytime and Lessons from Ballet Class

Wednesday was Storytime at our local library. We've been attending Storytime for a little more than a year, moving from the Toddler class to the Preschool class a year early on the teachers suggestion that Loren would probably fit in nicely with the more mature group as the Toddler class had a number of kids that had a hard time sitting still and focusing on the story.

Normally Loren sits quietly during Storytime, attentive, but with minimal active participation. She's usually tentative to join the group of kids without a short warming up period and regularly checks in with me throughout the hour class. This week however, she didn't even hold my hand walking into the room. She immediately ran into the group and began excitedly chatting with the teacher and other kids. Then during the stories, she was the first to answer the teacher's questions about the story, she did all of the motions to songs, and even sang most of the words to the songs.

The only thing I can attribute this change to is her experience in ballet class on Monday. I look forward to seeing her develop independence as we progress in our studies and community classes.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ballet & Halloween

Loren has been obsessed with all things ballet for months now, and the past few days have put her in ballerina heaven! Yesterday we attended Tacoma City Ballet's Haunted Theater. When we entered the theater, they had about 6 young girl dancers wandering the hall dressed as ghosts reminiscent of the twins from The Shining. I was concerned that Loren would be scared but, always the ballet lover, she zeroed in on the fact that they were wearing ballet shoes and fell in love with them! When one of the girls came and sat next to us in the waiting area (attempting to be spooky), Loren turns to her and say, cheerfully, "Hi! I'm taking ballet class tomorrow!" The rest of the haunted theater tour was low-key, they'd anticipated the young kids, and we ended in the theater where we were treated to a 6 dance ballet performance. The stage was a marked out space on the floor and Loren was allowed to sit right on the edge of the stage. As soon as the ballerinas began dancing, an ear-to-ear grin developed on her face and didn't fade for the rest of the experience. I wish I had been able to get a photo of that smile... The finale of the performance was the 1958 song Beware of the Blob and after bows and curtsies had been made, the kids in the audience were invited to join the dancers on stage. One of the toe-shoe dancing ghosts that she loved, came and asked her onto the stage. I heard about that for the rest of the evening. After the performance, we were able to get a couple of photos of Loren with some of her "Shining" girls.

The topper to ballet heaven this week was the start of Loren's first ballet class. There's even going to be a Snow Angel in the recital in December! I think I may be as excited for the recital as Loren is! Loren was a bit hesitant to join the class... for about 5 seconds... She held my hand on the way into the class, but let go and ran in with the rest of the class as soon as she saw the full length mirrors and ballet barres on the wall. Parent's weren't allowed to sit in on the class, but I still snuck lots of peaks from the doorway. I giggled almost the entire time, they were SO adorable! I can't wait to see how she progresses.
And of course, the Halloween costume: